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My work

I am an interdisciplinary social scientist working at the interface of anthropology, epidemiology, and ecology. Using behavioral ecology as my guiding theoretical framework, I conduct research on human infectious disease, rural livelihoods, migration, and social structure. I am particularly interested in how physical environments influence social structure and social behavior among subsistence-living people, and how those dynamics influence local disease dynamics.

My analytical work is primarily quantitative, including network analysis and compartmental infection transmission models. However, all my computational work is heavily informed by ethnographic and epidemiologic field data. I maintain longstanding field sites in two distinct regions of Namibia.


  • BA, Anthropology & Biology, Hunter College, CUNY

  • MSc, Human Behaviour & Evolution, University College London

  • PhD, Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

  • Postdoc, Anthropology/Earth System Science, Stanford University

Click here for my CV